What’s saving my life this summer

I’ve been on the struggle bus thus far this summer. It’s only been three weeks since the campaign ended, but it feels like forever ago. Meanwhile, I’ve been trying to gather the pieces of my ego, while trying to figure out what’s next. And that question, what’s next, has put me right back in the middle of another existential crisis it seems. Exactly what is next? And how do I know? So, naturally I picked up a book a few weeks ago that I’m now about half way through. It’s called How to Enter a Room by Emily P. Freeman an author whose Next Right Thing podcast I follow. While the book itself has been helping me to mentally sift through the various questions in my head, it’s also raised some big emotions (to borrow a phrase from my wife).

For an enneagram three like me, big emotions can be kind of scary. I mean, who has time to be derailed by an emotional reaction? I’ve got things to do, plans to make, stuff to accomplish right? Fortunately, this summer is providing me with just the opportunity to sit with some of these big emotions (or as my grandma would say, you need to sit your behind down somewhere and just be for a little while). So, I’m trying to do just that, in my own way (spoiler alert: it’s hard for me).

What follows is a list in no particular order of the things that collectively are saving my life right now. Individually they’re moments of laughter, play, and rest. Together, these are practices that are lifting my soul.

Last night after a long board meeting, I came home and sat down in the playroom with the family. We watched an episode of Blackish (we’re almost finished with the entire series with the girls!). Over an hour later, we’d watched music videos of Taylor Swift (briefly, the girls aren’t really big fans), and mostly Beyonce (though we did watch a clip of Diana Ross in the 80s, Beyonce before Beyonce). None of this was planned, it just sort of happened and I’m glad it did. Don’t underestimate the power of getting lost in Youtube videos with your family on a Monday night.

Most evenings since we finished our patio refresh we’ve been sitting outside and eating dinner around the table. I love it. I’m not even bothered by the outside elements (and surprisingly, the rest of the family has gotten used to it as well). It’s just so picturesque outside now, how can I not marvel at the beauty around me? These are moments that fill me with deep gratitude for the gift of the present.

During the week I’ll join the girls at the neighborhood pool. I’ll post up with my laptop to do work while they’re splashing around in the water. Eventually, I’ll give myself and break and jump in too for a little while (but only briefly, because the water still feels too cold!). You know the sound a child makes when they’re really experiencing free play? It’s loud and boisterous. It’s unbridled joy. That’s my soundtrack on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. It’s amazing, and it’s also been a reminder to allow myself to not take everything so seriously all the time. I definitely leave the pool feeling lighter emotionally.

I believe life gives you what you need when you need it. Right now, given my alternating state of brooding and contemplation, what’s saving my life are the moments of levity we’ve experienced as a family. And I’m so thankful for it.

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