
Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire- Gustav Mahler I love this quote because it highlights the reality that we must first examine our traditions in order to determine their relevancy.  Why do we do what we do as families?  And is this practice still meaningful to us based on our…

random observations on a beautiful afternoon

You ever just sit back and observe your kids, like in their natural elements?  Sometimes I just like to sit back and watch my girls do their thing.  It’s in these moments that I get to see their true personality shine through.  Earlier today I took the girls to the park to give my wife…

My experience shadowing a student (part 1)

Today I had the good fortune to shadow a student at one of the local high schools that I support.  In my day job, I serve as a facilitator for charter system implementation for our school district, responsible for helping a cohort of schools on the south side of Atlanta move towards local autonomy, decision-making,…